Aligning Energy to Nature,  Moon Energy

How to Manifest with the Moon Cycles

How to manifest with the moon cycles? Is that even a thing? Does the Moon have any significance other than looking pretty and lighting our way at night?

Does the Moon have any effect on the earth? On humans?

Let’s find out.

We know that we are not the only planet with a moon. Some planets have more than one moon. I’m sure you know that the gravitational pull of the moon affects ocean tides; but, did you know it affects the Earth’s crust also?

If the gravitational pull of the moon affects the ocean tides and the crust of the earth, could it affect humans and our moods? After all, an adult human body is made up of up to 60 percent water, according to the US Geological Survey, a scientific department of the government.

Sounds reasonable to me. So if the moon can affect the earth and us, how can we harness the power of the moon to aid us, humans, in our endeavors? Let’s look at the cycle of the moon.

What is a Cycle anyway?

According to, cycles are a complete round or series of occurrences that repeats itself. In school, we learned of the Water Cycle, Carbon & Oxygen Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, and the Phosphorus Cycle.

The Moon has a cycle also.

The Moon Cycle & How to Manifest with the Moon

The moon cycle consists of the different phases of the moon. What are they?

Dark Moon

Let’s start with the Dark Moon. That is where the moon is not visible in the clear sky because the dark side of the moon is facing the earth.

How we use it: Darkness, a time of reflection, renewal, contemplation, a time of honoring our feelings, and sitting with it. Hexing or dark spells. You can read more about the Dark Moon here.

This is the start of the process of harnessing the energy to manifest with the moon.

New Moon

That is where the first sliver (crescent) begins to become visible.

How we use it: As the first light becomes visible, we can liken that to an idea forming in our mind. An idea we want to bring to fruition. Define this idea and figure out the steps to get there.

Waxing Cresent Moon

As the sliver of light grows to the first quarter moon.

How we use it: As the light grows, we take the steps of our idea to make it a reality. It’s the beginning of the work.

First Quarter Moon

The moon is half full now. In other words, 50% full.

How we use it: We should be nearing the half part of our steps to bring our idea to fruition. Time to reflect and adjust if we need to.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is now past the halfway mark and is getting fuller.

How we use it: Adjust our steps and keep the momentum going. Raise the energy and give it a final push.

The Full Moon

The light of the moon is at its fullest.

How we use it: This is the hight of the moon’s manifestation and ours. Be happy and thankful for the help. Hold a gratitude/releasing ritual. You deserve it. Gratitude for the help and releasing for the unknown things about to take place.

Waning Gibbous Moon

The light is now receding, going from full to half-light.

How we use it: The moon is releasing the light. It’s time for us to release. To let things go. Whatever didn’t work, whatever belief is holding you back; it’s time to release that. Or if your desire is manifesting, thank the universe and release the tension back into the ether. Release the wanting; it’s now in the flow. New realizations will come to you and you might see exactly what is in your way.

The Last Quarter Moon

The light is shining on half of the moon again. This is the last half before the moon goes dark again.

How we use it: Just like a seed needs to be planted and germinated, so does our next cycle in manifestation. Or, in other words, take steps to try again, learning from the past experience. So start planting those seeds now. Wind down to a state of rest when the moon goes dark.

Dark Moon Again

The cycle starts again. Now rest. Renew. And rise up to start again in with the moon as your guardian and companion.

The moon is the earth’s satellite and thus ours. What does that mean? The word satellite comes from the Latin word, satelles. This word means guardian, companion, or attendant. How appropriate.

The moon is here to help us, let’s not ignore what was put before us for a helper.

Have you tried to manifest with the moon? Feel free to share your comments below or email me.

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